Okay, obviously I love movies but do you? and do you know what movies are coming out? Well I do. I have been looking all over the internet and going to the movies to figure out what I think are movies to look forward to.
First... The Ides of March (Opening Oct. 7, 2011)
This movie stars George Clooney, Ryan Gosling, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Evan Rachel Wood, and Paul Giamatti. This movie delves into the extreme and chaotic world of Politics and what it does to people. This movie looks wonderful and is based on an exceptional play called "Farragut North."
Here is a link to the Ides of March Trailer:
Second... J. Edgar (Opening Nov. 9, 2011)
This movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio, playing J. Edgar Hoover. This movie is about J. Edgar and how he created the FBI and the way the system was run. This will show his 40 years as the head of the FBI and his personal life. I can't wait to see this film!
Third... A Dangerous Method (Opening Nov. 23, 2011)
This movie stars Keira Knightly, Viggo Mortensen, and Michael Fassbender. This movie is about the relationship between Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. The fascinating part of the movie is that this is a subject most people would not touch but I feel like this will open peoples minds to these two intelligent men who lead a different way of thinking.
Fourth... Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Opening Dec. 9, 2011)
What can excite you more that a story of secrets, lies, action, and murder? I think this one can! The trailer does not give much away but this movie is stacked with an excellent cast that will take viewers of this film to a whole new level of cinema. I can't wait to get immersed in Gary Oldman's character and story throughout this movie.
There is something about seeing a movie about one of the toughest Prime Ministers England has ever seen. Meryl Strep plays the Iron Lady herself, Margret Thatcher. This was a woman who changed the way England's Parliament was run. They have only released a teaser trailer and seeing Meryl Strep as Maggie Thatcher is extraordinary. This movies goes through the years that Thatcher is running one of the most powerful nations in the world.
Tattoo's, Murder, Sex, Deception, Mystery. All of these things describe this movie! This has been adapted from the amazing Swedish film of the same name. This is a stunning cast with Direction from David Fincher, The Social Network and Fight Club). I will be one of the first people in line to see this movie!
First off, this was a book that was made into a play that is now being made into a movie. This is a Tony and Oliver Award Winning Play that has been taken under the Wing of Steven Spielberg. This is an amazing story of a boy and his horse. Now the wonderful part of this story is that it is set during World War One. The horse, named Joey, goes to War and Albert, the boy, goes after him. I have no doubt in my mind that this movie will blow people away! I suggest you see it!
A Shakespeare play that has not been commercialized. Ralph Fiennes stars as Coriolanus and directs this new version of this classic play. Fiennes has set his interpretation of Coriolanus in modern times with the leading men in combat boots with guns. This play is set around a two roman hero's who basically take revenge against the city.
This is one of my most anticipated movies to see! I am a huge Harry Potter fan and now that it is over, I need a series to replace what I have lost. This is the series for me. This movie is about a place in the future that is set up into Districts. In this world each year the Capital chooses two tributes, one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18, to go to the Capital and fight to the death. The games are filmed live and there can only be one winner. The Story follows Katniss, a member from District 12 who enters into the 74th Hunger Games. This is a story that has not really been seen before. This is a must see! May the odds be ever in your favor!
Joss Whedon. Enough Said. He is writing and directing this comic book saga. Anyone who loves superhero movies, Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doll House, Angel, Serenity), and any thing nerdy this is the movie for you. I am totally one of those people and can't wait to see how Whedon will take these superheros and take on evil. By the way if you have seen Thor, Captain America, Iron Man etc. you will see these heroes band together in one epic movie!
All of these movies can be found on IMDB (
www.imdb.com). This database is a great way to see what is going on in Film and TV